Random Ramblings

I Might Not Be Cut Out for the Entrepreneurship Life

I made my first “side-hustle” money today. I’ve never been into the side-hustle. I don’t particularly like working… so why would I do more of it… and I’ve never considered myself to be entrepreneurial. However recently I thought I’d give tutoring a try. I’ve always been drawn to the idea of mentorship and helping those… Continue reading I Might Not Be Cut Out for the Entrepreneurship Life

Random Ramblings

First Blog Post – Why I’m Starting A Blog

1) The $10 Million Dollar Question: While having dinner with a few friends from work about a year ago, one of the girls asked us what we would all do if we were given $1 million dollars tomorrow. My response to her was that $1 million wasn’t enough and I’d probably still be at my… Continue reading First Blog Post – Why I’m Starting A Blog