We. Have. Too. Much. Cash.
I’ve known this, but as we’re moving more of our $$ out of our US bank accounts and back into Canada it’s becoming more and more apparent and honestly it’s a bit embarrassing. It is an October goal to figure out how to start investing in Questrade. I’m going to follow Millennial Revolution’s Investment Workshop for this. I did set up an account and tried to move my RRSP over from another institution, but I didn’t fill out the form properly according to that institution and they chose to take their time telling me this by sending snail mail even though all of our other communication is electronic… sneaky.
September Net Worth

What Happened This Month?
I actually had income! $8,400 came in this month in the form of contractor payments for work I did in August, tutoring, and the wonderful Chase Pay Yourself Back feature which I made sure to collect every penny of since we’ll be cancelling that card soon.
Our spending was around $5,200.
Notable expenses included:
Rental Condo Expenses ~$790 – partial property tax payment made this month.
Fitbit ~$335 – I bought the new Fitbit Versa 3.
Groceries ~$715 – Last month I said it was my goal to get groceries under $500… oops. Though this does include almost $90 spent on tea… which I had my parents purchase on the monthly Seniors Day to get a 15% discount. I’m hoping the $90 spent lasts about 4-5 months but we’ll see. We don’t skimp on tea.
October Goals
JOB – I’m really hoping I have a job lined up by the end of October. I do have another 10-day contract for the middle of October but I’m definitely getting the itch to work again. I’ve applied to 20 jobs in September and have a had a number of interviews, but I’ll provide a detailed update on that when I’m ready.
QUESTRADE – I need to move my RRSP over to Questrade and get properly set up to invest so that we can stop holding so much cash.
GROCERIES – Seriously… I need to improve on this. We don’t even eat meat, I don’t understand who’s taking all of our money.