I was really putting off writing this post because it just wasn’t that interesting of a month – financially that is. That said, I did start working at the end of the month and even received a partial paycheck but in terms of net worth growth or decline, once again, not much happened.
October Net Worth

What Happened This Month?
I got a job! I didn’t start working until the end of the month so I only received a partial paycheck. However I did get paid for a contractor stint I had back in August.
Our spending was around $4,600 – which is actually the lowest it’s been since April ($3,700) when we were holed up in quarantine in an AirBnB doing nothing but reading, playing video games and eating.
Notable expenses included:
Winter Tires ~ $610 – Blech. This is the first time in my life I’ve purchased winter tires. They’re a necessity where we live now and they actually came in handy when we had an October snow storm.
Vacation ~ $845 – I had one week between ending a short contractor gig and starting my new full-time job so we went away for a couple of nights to a small town nearby. The day we were supposed to leave a snowstorm dumped on the highways and we had to stay an extra night which increased our expense, but it was worth it.
Groceries ~ $488 – This is only exciting to me because it’s under $500. I signed up for a new credit card and it actually got us $60 in free groceries this month so without that we would have been over.
Considering we had to buy winter tires this year, and spent over $800 on a short trip, I’m actually quite happy with our October spend. Both my husband and I are now officially employed after almost 9 months away from full-time employment so it’ll be nice to finally see our net worth increase and start to get into investing – I know I’ve been saying that for months, but I mean it.