A bit more timely posting this one, considering I just posted December’s net worth post a week ago.
January was a pretty uneventful month. Except for the fact that we put an offer on a house. However, it was rejected – because this market is stupid. We were one of 7 offers, we offered $10K over-asking, and were unsuccessful. I’m interested to see how much over-asking the house went for.
So, because we did NOT buy a house, our cash balance is still very high. Husband and I both have Questrade accounts opened so we’re going to start substantially adding to those in February.
January Net Worth

What Happened This Month?
Our savings rate was 46% which we’re pretty happy with considering January was one of those awful months with 3 mortgage payments on the rental condo AND a property tax payment. Ugh.
Our spending was around $6,700. This seems higher than usual, but I’ve started to track our rental condo expenses differently. I used to only include the net expenses (Rental Income minus Rental Expenses) as our rental expense, but I’ve started to separate those out.
Notable expenses included:
Rental Condo: ~$2,800 – See above. As mentioned, we’re on an accelerated biweekly payment plan which means we had 3 mortgage payments this month as well as a property tax payment. Yuck.
Food: ~$976 – Honestly, I’m getting pretty sick of seeing these FIRE Instagrammers posting about how they only spent $150 on food for a month. I think I’m going to start posting more on Instagram about my expenses. We live in Canada where groceries are a hell of a lot more expensive than the US – and we don’t have Trader Joe’s… I really really miss Trader Joe’s.
That’s really it for notable expenses. Perhaps next month there’ll be a $70,000 dip in our cash because of a house purchase. More on that later.