Yet again we did not buy a house. We made two offers in February. One was $28K over asking, the other was $75K over asking. Neither were accepted. Neither were even accepted as the back-up offers. Because of this, our cash balance remains high. That said, we did finally get our Questrade accounts up and running. At the end of February we have over $65k invested in Questrade. We didn’t INVEST $65K in February as we moved one of our RRSP accounts over from RBC.
February Net Worth

What Happened This Month?
Our savings rate was just shy of 55%. Being over 50% makes me very happy. Our spending was around $5,600 and as you can see from the above breakdown, our cash dipped because I dumped some money into my new Questrade RRSP. Even though our cash balance is still high, it feels good to start funneling some of it into investments.
Rental Condo: ~$1,550. One thing I found interesting this month, is that YTD our rental condo is costing us more than our rent, even though our rent is almost $800 more than our mortgage. For the first two months of the year we’ve spent $3,800 on rent and $4,365 on the condo. It goes to show that home ownership costs really add up. Granted we had 3 mortgage payments in January (accelerated bi-weekly payments) and had to pay a portion of our property taxes but it’ll be interesting to see how it looks at the end of the year.
Expenses Breakdown:

That’s about it for February, perhaps in March we’ll buy a home. Unlikely.