Hi, it’s been about 18 years since I’ve posted here. I had a baby 5 months ago, and life has been a crazy adjustment. But all this time, this blog has been in the back of my head. When the bill came up to renew my domain and registration I couldn’t give it up and still paid the bill. So it’s time to do some catch up.
Life has gotten really expensive. By choice to be clear. In 2021 we bought a house and as I’ve said before, home ownership is no joke. Of course everything can be done cheaper than we’re doing it, and we live in a very high cost of living area. But basically we just haven’t been saving much money and we’re eating into our savings and it doesn’t motivate me all that much to write about our finances. That said, life is good. We have a beautiful baby, a beautiful home that I just love spending time in with a messy but beautiful backyard in a neighborhood we’re in love with. On my mind a lot these days is trying to thinking about how to strike a balance between saving for the future so that we don’t have to work forever, and living a fulfilling life. But we’ll get to those thoughts in future posts.
For now, how did 2021 end up…

EEEEEESH. Our Net Worth plummeted because we bought a home and now have a gross massive mortgage. But like I mentioned, I love the crap out of this home. We did not buy a home to flip, or to make money off of it (that is what our rental condo is for), we bought a home for stability and comfort.
How did we spend our $$…

I’m not completely sure it makes sense to include the Rental Property as an expense line item on here because we obviously have rental income, but the rental income does not cover the entire years’ rental expenses. Anyways, our spending is horrifying, I’m aware, and I’m also aware how incredibly fortunate and privileged we are to have this much cash available to spend. It actually feels pretty gross.
Anyways, that’s 2021. Time to continue the catch-up…